PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.

Carb-Amal Monobloc

Displaying 1 to 8 (of 99 Products)
JP-ABF894 Amal carb spacer, 3/16in thick, 24mm ID, gen AMAL
Amal carburettor spacer block, Tufnell flange spacer, 3/16 in thick (6mm), 15/16 inch (24mm) ID . genuine AMAL
In Stock: 3
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JP-ABF812 Amal carb spacer, 3/16in thick, 26mm ID, monobloc premonobloc
Amal carburettor spacer block, 3/16 in thick (6mm), 1 inch (26mm) ID , Suit 76 and 276 side bowl and 376 and 389...
In Stock: 0
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JP-332/017 (RKC/513) Amal, air screw adjuster and spring, monobloc
Amal carburettor air screw adjuster and spring for monobloc. Original part numbers: 332/017 - pilot air adjusting screw...
In Stock: 8
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JP-4/148 (BT-4/148) Amal, air screw adjuster spring, premono + monobloc
Amal carburettor air screw spring for pre monobloc and monobloc. Original Amal part numbers: 4/148 - air adjusting...
In Stock: 6
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MA-L300 Amal, air tube 36mm
Air tube (bell mouth) for AMAL, approx 36mm ID clamp on, approx 57mm overall length, with gauze in outer end. Overall...
In Stock: 1
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MA-L295 Amal, air tube 376 monobloc & 600 series concentric
Air tube (bell mouth) for AMAL 376 monobloc and 600 series concentric carburettor. Approx 40mm ID on thread approx 55mm...
In Stock: 1
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MA-L296 Amal, air tube 389 monobloc series
Air tube for AMAL 389 monobloc series carburettor.  
In Stock: 0
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JP-4/046 Amal, air valve / choke return spring, pre monobloc & monobloc,
Amal carburettor pre-monobloc ( 6, 76, 276, 9, 89, 289) & monobloc choke (376, 389) (air slide/ air valve) return...
In Stock: 2
Show Room Only
Displaying 1 to 8 (of 99 Products)

PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.