PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.

Bolt, crankcase engine plate, rear, Norton

Crankcase engine plate attachment bolt (rear top), each, bolt only. Nortons, 1932 to pre 1945. 2 required per engine mount on early machines, Model 1, 16H, 18, 19,20, ES2. 2 required post 1945, 4 required on International 30 and 40,  Also fits magdyno mount . 7/16inx 26tpi
Original part numbers.
9038; 3024; E4256 - crankcase engine plate bolt (with nuts complete) 7/16" ; magneto platform bolt
- washer 
 -  nut

  • Stock Code: BT-OF-3024;E4256 ea
  • Shipping Weight: 50 grams
  • 2 Units in Stock
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PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.