PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.

Definitions Used

Aust = Made in Aust
NOS = New Old Stock = comes as purchased = shop soiled and /or greasy and/or covered in wax, found in a warehouse.
U = used, second hand.
UK = Made in United Kingdom

Thread types
BA = British Association thread
BSCy = British Standard Cycle thread
BSF = British Standard Fine thread
CEI = Cycle Engineers Institute ( earlier name for BSCy thread, Contains more thread sizes than BSCy.) Despite popular opinion this is NON Whitworth form thread.
Metric = Metric thread
Whit = Whitworth thread
UNC = Unified Coarse - NOT compatible with Whitworth
UNF = Unified Fine

PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.