PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.

Footrest - pedals and bolts

Displaying 33 to 39 (of 39 Products)
BT-Of-E3226+E3220set Pedal bolt nuts, Norton lay down and AMC gearbox ZP (ass)
Norton footrest rod nuts and washers for plunger and swingarms (lay down gear box and AMC gear box). Has correct domed...
In Stock: 0
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BT-OF-16248s Pins & nuts, Norton Fbed and swingarm pillion footrest (set 2)
Norton Featherbed and brazed frame swing arm pillion footrest bar pins and nuts (set2). Original Norton part numbers:...
In Stock: 0
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BT- H12/583 (R-A2/593) Rubber, footrest, pillion scripted, flat, Norton swing arm
Rubber footrest, Norton pillion footrest with scripted rubber, pair. Suit for brazed frame swing arm  Nortons and...
In Stock: 1
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BT-OF-E5376;A2/116 Washer for footrest spindle nut, Norton pedals
Washer for footrest spindle for Norton pedals or universal pedals.   Suits all Nortons with brazed frames, 1924 to...
In Stock: 16
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BT-OF-A2/494;3427 (R-042055) Washer, felt seal for Norton inner primary case to pedal tube ea
Pedal tube to primary case felt washer for Nortons (ea) . Used on Nortons from 1931 to 1974+. Approx OD 1 7/16"...
In Stock: 2
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BT-OF-no number Washer, felt seal for Norton inside inner primary case pedal tube ea
Inside inner primary case pedal tube  felt washer for Nortons (ea) . I have found this to be helpful  to keep...
In Stock: 3
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BT-OF-E3226 Nut, 7/16in x 20, Norton E3226 extra tall
Norton E3226 nut, 7/16in x 20TPI Correct dimensions, extra tall, zinc plated, BSCY / CEI, USed 1950 to 1956. Superceded...
In Stock: 56
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Displaying 33 to 39 (of 39 Products)

PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.