Washers - fibre, copper loose

Loose fibre and copper washers

Displaying 1 to 8 (of 22 Products)
JP-376/092 Amal, fibre washer for banjo bolt, monobloc
Amal, fibre washer for banjo bolt, monobloc Original part number: 376/092
In Stock: 12

MA-L226C Amal, fibre washer for pilot jet nut, monobloc
Amal carburettor monobloc (375, 376, 389) fibre washer for pilot jet nut banjo (ea). Original part number: 116/162...
In Stock: 19

JP-14/037 Amal, washer for banjo nut, 14/037, 4/053, pre monobloc
Amal carburettor model all pre-monoblocs banjo nut washer (fibre). Original Amal part numbers: 4/053 - washer for float...
In Stock: 3

BT-OF-B2/628 (R-067514) Washer, fibre, Norton Roadholder forks oil damper
Fibre washers, suits Norton Roadholder stanchion oil damper rod or tube, thicker than the original for a better seal...
In Stock: 6

BT-OF-11775 Washer, fibre, 1/4in ID, Norton special
Fibre washers, 1/16 in thick, 1/4in ID, suits Norton forks drain plug, timing case screws, crankcase drain plug,...
In Stock: 71

BT-CuWsher1/4x1/2 Washer, copper, 1/4 x 1/2 x 5/128
Copper washer, 1/4" ID x 1/2" OD x 5/128" (0.04") thick.
In Stock: 0
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BT-CuWsher5/16x7/16 Washer, copper, 5/16x7/16 x 5/128
Copper washer, 5/16in ID x 7/16in OD x 5/128in (0.04in) thick.
In Stock: 6

BT-fw5/16x1/2x1/16 Washer, fibre, 5/16 in ID, 1/2 inch OD, 1/16 in thick
Fibre washers, 5/16 in ID, 1/2 inch OD, 1/16 in thick Original part numbers:  
In Stock: 276

Displaying 1 to 8 (of 22 Products)