PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.

Washers - fibre, copper loose

Loose fibre and copper washers

Displaying 1 to 8 (of 22 Products)
JP-376/092 Amal, fibre washer for banjo bolt, monobloc
Amal, fibre washer for banjo bolt, monobloc Original part number: 376/092
In Stock: 12
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MA-L226C Amal, fibre washer for pilot jet nut, monobloc
Amal carburettor monobloc (375, 376, 389) fibre washer for pilot jet nut banjo (ea). Original part number: 116/162...
In Stock: 19
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JP-14/037 Amal, washer for banjo nut, 14/037, 4/053, pre monobloc
Amal carburettor model all pre-monoblocs banjo nut washer (fibre). Original Amal part numbers: 4/053 - washer for float...
In Stock: 3
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BT-OF-B2/628 (R-067514) Washer, fibre, Norton Roadholder forks oil damper
Fibre washers, suits Norton Roadholder stanchion oil damper rod or tube, thicker than the original for a better seal...
In Stock: 6
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BT-OF-11775 Washer, fibre, 1/4in ID, Norton special
Fibre washers, 1/16 in thick, 1/4in ID, suits Norton forks drain plug, timing case screws, crankcase drain plug,...
In Stock: 71
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BT-CuWsher1/4x1/2 Washer, copper, 1/4 x 1/2 x 5/128
Copper washer, 1/4" ID x 1/2" OD x 5/128" (0.04") thick.
In Stock: 0
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BT-CuWsher5/16x7/16 Washer, copper, 5/16x7/16 x 5/128
Copper washer, 5/16in ID x 7/16in OD x 5/128in (0.04in) thick.
In Stock: 6
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BT-fw5/16x1/2x1/16 Washer, fibre, 5/16 in ID, 1/2 inch OD, 1/16 in thick
Fibre washers, 5/16 in ID, 1/2 inch OD, 1/16 in thick Original part numbers:  
In Stock: 276
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Displaying 1 to 8 (of 22 Products)

PLEASE NOTE: The store will be closed for orders from Wednesday 19 March (posting on Thurs 20 Mar) to Monday 28 April. You will be able to browse but NOT place orders. Access to email will be limited so messages sent to us may not be answered until we reopen.